Skydiving Aircraft – Cessna 182
We own the Cessna 182 which sets the standard for safety, comfort and performance. You and your friends will enjoy the ride in. And your friends on the ground will enjoy the show from picnic and viewing area.
The Cessna 182 Skylane is an American four seat, single engine light airplane. Aircraft is maintained and inspected to United States Federal Aviation Authority standards.
The Cessna 182 is the most reliable and popular skydiving aircraft used in the world today. Comfortably holding two tandems and their instructors, the 182 ensures your experience will be all about you. We will take off and climb over the ocean, allowing tandem passengers birds-eye view of amazing surf breaks and beautiful beaches. A scenic 20 minute ride to altitude and you are ready to jump. The wide cargo door ensures a smooth exit, and a swift descent ensures no one will have long to wait for the next exciting adventure!
This Airplane is based at Drop Zone on the beautiful Aranjuez Airpark.